作者认可的观点是:This is not to say that bitcoin is completely useless other than for speculating on price. Some of the things that make it not viable as money make it advantageous for other things that radicals are interested in. Bitcoin may not be money as such, but it certainly can do some of the same things that money can, which makes it, alongside other cryptocurrencies, a useful tool, something which will be detailed throughout the rest of the book. First, let’s take a closer look into how bitcoin does simulate particular properties of money.
作者举了SciHub的例子,论证加密货币可以被用于反抗不公的资本主义制度,哈哈:Having the option to accept or use cryptocurrencies comes in handy when you may have legitimacy for your cause (people want to support it) but are considered illegal at the behest of capitalist institutions. In the case of Sci-Hub, it has legitimacy in challenging the current structure of how science publishing is done today as well as the entire existence of intellectual property in general, but this challenge comes at the cost of financial blockade, especially in countries that have the most to gain from intellectual property enforcement.